It Takes a Community

The Agricultural Option is making agriculture a viable economic option for young people, and all people. We believe that just as it takes a community to raise a child, it also takes a community to raise agriculture, and make it viable for young and all people. We are building a community of doers and helpers that will.
Community Outlook

The Community of Practice is at the center of TAO's capacity for user discovery, productivity improvement of users, access to finance, and other adjacent support.
TAO places a premium on the development of a strong community that aggregates to develop agriculture for the benefit of young people and country.
Community features prominently in operating all the modules of TAO, this is due to our belief that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. The aggregate knowledge, passion and support of our members will present transformational effects for individual users and industry as a whole.

The Creators
The creators at TAO alongside all of us are the owners and gatekeepers of our community. Working with all members, they are the engine room that makes the community tick, relevant, productive, guided and healthy. They are there to provide several types of support that makes our community vibrant and grow. The creators are an integral part of TAO's delivery mechanism, and they partake in the transformational work, the economic benefits and other incentives available at TAO and to TAO. Therefore, the creators are very important partners in making agriculture a viable option for young and indeed all people, where they can earn up to 50m Naira per annum in various areas of agriculture, including in being a creator.

Grant, Fees and Commissions
Our creators are trusted with producing excellent quality content and delivery that costs money and effort, therefore, we provide grants to get them cracking quickly. Up to 1 million Naira in grants is provided to beginner creators for purposes such as equipment purchase, staffing and logistics. Easy to access loans are also available to creators for expansion of their practices, business and content production. Fees and commissions are paid to creators on the account of the consumption of their content and other works such as fellow acquisition.
Prospective creators are required to signify interest by completing a simple creator form available on all TAO modules and the TAO website. Interest will be acknowledged via email not later than 72 hours of receiving interest. Where necessary, interviews will be scheduled no later than 1 week from interest. At the request of the prospect, a pre interview meeting to discuss the creator opportunity, including guidance for the interview can be scheduled.
Interview and Offer
An assessment committee will review submitted existing assets (including suitability questionnaire) at an assessment center, using video or in person interview- prospective creators will be ranked using the TAO creator ranking framework.
If successful, the prospect will receive a written offer no later than 1 week after the interview.
TAO creator development requires formal acceptance not later than 1 week after an offer is made.
Our new creator will receive onboarding material which will contain onboarding requirements, account creation process, profile creation process, content specification, TAO merchandise, settlement account details, platform login and other necessary items.
Account activation and creation.
Beginner Grant
Where applicable, beginner grant will be disbursed to the creator within 2 weeks of activation or on the receipt first set creation activities.
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The Agricultural Option is making agriculture a viable economic option for young, and all people. Therefore, we have created tools, platforms, and support to turn this commitment to reality.
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