Because we are important stakeholders in the communities we operate in, and the collective resources we share as humanity, we take our responsibilities to people, communities, and the environment seriously.

Therefore, we have subscribed to the attributes of leading in responsible ways in Environment, Social, Governance (ESG) dimensions, and to this end, we have localised clearly defined commitments to these.
Our E in ESG

The Agriculture Option believes that the environment and agriculture are the same side of a coin; that respecting, and protecting the environment, is in its best-interest and that of the world. At TAO’s core, the environment provides the base for agriculture; while agriculture present opportunities for responsible and sustainable usage, and management of the environment, including the reversal of adverse effects of activities of other industries and users on the environment.
We are evangelists and practitioners of climate smart agriculture, especially as we seek to mitigate the effects of climate change on our constituents and support the preservation of the environment through practices that reduce and reverse the effect of climate change. Therefore, climate smart principles for resilience to climate change are built into our practices without discounting our core mission for sustainable and improved agricultural productivity.
A key element of TAO’s outlook is an intimate and respectful relationship with the environment. TAO employs global best practices in managing the impact of its activities that intersects most closely or directly with the environment-which are numerous. We further make intentional policies and takes action to protect the environment. The implementation of circular economy principles in our built-up areas, is a hallmark of our environmental focus-one which minimizes waste and preserve natural resources, while encouraging renewables. TAO also builds in environmental respect and protection attributes into its financial services, advocacy, and educational components, thereby projecting its environmental principles beyond its control but further to its sphere of influence and business.
Through our direct efforts and financial products, we support the development of greenhouses for intensification in agricultural production. We believe that intensification reduces carbon footprint we leave behind in our work and support our circular and resource lean production.
TAO also commits to planting 1 tree for every hectare of land used across its operations, every year. The is projected to grow over 1 million trees per year that will go towards reforestation, rewilding, curbing desertification and supporting the reversal of debilitating effects of climate change.
Our S in ESG

Our promise, and how we do our work is premised on the inclusion of the communities that we serve and interact with. The Agriculture Option that we champion is an inclusive approach to nation building using agriculture as a platform.
From Discover which operates safe and respectful digital and physical communities, that are balanced amongst all genders, premised on economically beneficial social interactions, to Young Ranchers, which educates members of its communities in fellowships, certificate courses, and incubators that result in productive economic engagements. The Agriculture Option prizes its social and gender inclusion responsibility, not just by the mainstream Corporate Social Responsibility models of donations, but by active involvement and support of the social components of its host communities, and intentional inclusion of their members in sustainable and beneficial economic activities.
The Agriculture Option, through its fellowship and certificate courses will support young people in the transition from theoretical agriculturists to commercial farmers and agribusinesses, with direct link to the Young Ranchers. Furthermore, the community will support interactions amongst millions of agriculturists for their engagement in productive agriculture.
Our G in ESG

To make agriculture a viable option for productive economic engagement, The Agricultural Option requires an industry wide effort. Therefore, it is necessary to forge an industry association of members with common interests and focus, such as technology and digitization, new thinking for financing, and a focus on young people. TAO champions the development of this Association, that will be the custodian of standards, a think tank, and an aggregating platform for policy and action engagements with government and other industry stakeholders.
The Agriculture Option Association facilitates the operation of youth focused agriculture from an industry wide perspective, it coordinates the agreement among its stakeholders — in their pursuit to promote, develop, and expand their networked influence, and to manage the delivery of the objectives of agriculture as a viable economic option for young people.
The association is governed by The Agriculture Option Association Council, which is comprised of one representative of each stakeholder category, such as youth in agriculture, financial services providers, input suppliers, insurance providers, landowners, policy makers, and off takers. Together, they will make decisions on the governance of the initiatives that binds them and their objectives. Membership of the council will expand to businesses, nonprofits, multilateral organizations, and academic institutions as The Agriculture Option’s objectives and reach expands.

As technology is changing the face of agriculture, TAO was conceptualized to lead the vanguard of galvanizing Youth Agripreneurs to drive both agricultural digitization and eco-friendly practices. TAO Sustainable Agriculture Philosophy is anchored on the use of best available knowledge, technologies, and practices to ensure that sustainable intensification delivers more with ... continue reading