

The One Pager Business Plan for Rice

The One Pager Business Plan (Rice)

Presented in bite size and easy to understand language, The One Pager Business Plan highlights the basic insights and considerations that helps you to decide if and how to engage in agricultural ventures.

Rice in The World

Rice is one of the most popular stable foods consumed around the world and in Nigeria. About 487 million tons was produced in 2017 with an annual growth of 1%. About 481 million tons is consumed annually, with a 1.2% that is driven mainly by Africa’s growing population. (PwC)

Rice in Nigeria

Nigeria’s annual rice consumption reached 6.4 million tons in 2017 and growing at 4.7% -an addition of about 300 thousand tons per year. Nigeria’s consumption growth outperforms the world’s growth by about 3.7%, which is about 4 times of global growth. An annual population growth of 3% further creates ample opportunity for rice farming business. (PwC)

Rice Value Chain


Goverment AID Multilateral, etc.


Seed Fertilizer services, etc.


You-Farmer Fertilizer services, etc.


Manufacturer Marketing Distribution, etc.


Resturant Consumer, etc.


Calendar Pattern of Rice Production in Nigeria


Crop Calendar For Cereal


Rice Farming in Nigeria

Rice farming happens across Nigeria, and popular in the northern parts. About 12 million farmers cultivate rice annually. Several fragmented rice mills offtake rice paddy from farmers, a few large mills also support and offtake from farmers in out grower schemes. Several government interventions through grower anchors and associations supports rice farmers with financial and technical assistance.

SWOT Analysis

Strength: Available base resources of land, labour and know how.
Weakness: Financing of new entrants may be difficult.
Opportunity: Growing market due to growing population and processors.
Threat: Imported rice and large commercial farmers.

PESTLE Analysis

Agriculture focused economic polices.
Economic reforms and growing market that requires import substitution.
Strong agricultural base and popularity of rice.
Low complexity technology for medium holder mechanization and good spread of digital technology for information and extension.
Relative ease of doing farming business as little to no licenses or regulation required.
Suitable geography and climate to support rice farming

Technical Consideration

With a gestation of 4 months, rice can be grown with very little complexity when on a farm of manageable size (up to 100ha) in both wet and dry seasons, in almost all states of Nigeria. A good yield of up between 5 and 7 tons per hectare requires cultivation on well drained loam soil, the use of good seed varieties, adequate fertilizer usage, adequate herbicide and pesticide usage, good spacing, good crop density. The adoption of impactful agricultural practices such as global good agricultural practices will further improve the chances of a good harvest

Marketing and Distribution

Rice paddy can be marketed prior to harvest in out grower schemes or sold after harvest at farmgate, in markets or distributed to processors. Marketing and distribution are low touch as there is ready market without need for branding, advertising, and maintenance of a distribution network


A medium holder farm can be managed with a lean operational framework of not more than 5 people, mostly contract with little overhead cost. Most administrative tools for such tasks as bookkeeping, project management and reporting can be sourced freelyAs farms grow, headcount may grow, however it is advised to keep operations lean and overhead low by using contract workers for most of the farm tasks while growing capacity in managerial areas.


Rice farming at medium scale is presented with a few risks that can be mitigated with low complexity considerations and actions.
Risk and Mitigants Matrix (July 2023)
Unfavourable production environment such as security issues or poor relationship with host community
Establishing a Solid Infrastructure and High Preventive such as nets and wire mesh can help protect the catfish from unfavorable environmental conditions.
Probability Level Medium Probability
Poor technical knowledge and experience of the cultivation and management of rice in farm and paddy rice management.
Obtain rice farming knowledge, work with extension agronomist, join communities of rice growers to exchange information.
Probability Level Low Probability
Pest & Disease
Outbreak of pest and diseases.
Apply pre and post emergence herbicide, pesticides, and practices.
Probability Level Medium Probability
Incedence of drought or flood
Avoid flood prone areas, follow climate and weather patterns - use information from NIMET.
Probability Level Low Probability
Lack of inadequate finance or availability of funds as at when required.
Ensure financing is secured before cultivation commences. Keep proper book and management systems to demonstrate capability and capacity to financiers
Probability Level Medium Probability
Market rejection of paddy rice.
Ensure good quality paddy by using good technical and management provisions for cultivation; drying and storing of paddy rice.
Probability Level Low Probability
Negative price movement
Obtain forward contract with off taker and work with aggregating association or commodity board to ensure price stability.
Probability Level Medium Probability

Economics of Production (July 2023)

AgroMall Market Survey
It is advised that capital expenditure is avoided at this stage and all capabilities are sourced as services. Labour and services cost may vary per state or region and are amortized per hectare.

Profitability of Production (July 2023)

AgroMall Market Survey
Salaries and operating expenses are amortized per hectare. Profitability can move widely with commodity price movements.


There are funding sources for medium scale rice farming if capacity and capability are demonstrated. Typical funding sources from formal financial institutions include:
Out Growers
Investors and partnerships
Development interventions
Banks: Microfinance and commercial
Funding considerations will require that feasibility and viability are demonstrated, some track record in agriculture will also support a positive funding outlook.

Who is Suited for This?

Anyone interested in agriculture and can create time for farming will do well in rice farming if they put their mind, heart, and effort to it. Best suited are agriculture student, agriculture graduates, professional farmers, side hustle farmers, agriculture enthusiast.

Consideration Score

  • Viability --- High
  • Feasibility --- High
  • Profitability --- High
  • Ease of entry --- High
  • Aggregate Risk --- Medium
  • Probability for Growth --- High
  • Resilience and Sustainability --- High
  • Aggregate Consideration Score --- High


Rice farming is a viable option for economic engagement in today’s Nigeria. If properly planned and executed, it will be profitable and sustainable, presenting a path for growth.