

This Week Growing Plan for Maize

Maize Weekly Schedule

Click below to follow our weekly schedule.
Week 1 - Choosing Land & Soil
Week 2 - Seed & Input Selection
Week 3 - Land Preparation
Week 4 - Planting
Week 5 - Germination
Week 6 - Seedling Emergence
Week 7 - Establishment 1
Week 8 - Establishment 2
Week 9 - Stem Elongation
Week 10 - Fertilizer Top-Dressing
Week 11 - Flower Initiation
Week 12 - Final Fertilizer Top-Dressing
Week 13 - Tassel Emergence
Week 14 - Silk Emergence
Week 15 - Kernel & Cob Dev.
Week 16 - Grain Filling
Week 17 - Active Grain Filling
Week 18 - Pre-Harvest
Week 19 - Harvest
This Week

Grow Maize

the Right way.


Let's talk Maize.

Hello Friend,
I am delighted to have you on-board.
As a way of introduction,I want to let you know that success in growing maize is not difficult to achieve if a good growing guide is well followed.
Of course, that’s why I am here to provide you a weekly guide for your successful maize venture.

But before I do that,I will like to enlighten you with some important facts about maize.


Do you know?

Maize also known as corn is the most important cereal crop in the whole of Sub-Sahara Africa (SSA).

The maize crop is the main source of calories both in food and feed industry.

Maize has vast usefulness both for domestic and industrial purpose.

Every part of the maize plant has economic value: the grain, leaves, stalk, tassel, silk husk and cobs.

The growth and development of maize is in two phases:
The Vegetative phase

Vegetative is the period of growth of the plant between germination and flowering.

The Reproductive phase

Reproductive is the period between flowering and crop fruit maturity.

The planting season for maize in Nigeria vary across agroecology.

However, with irrigation system in place, maize can be grown anytime of the year.


Major Pests of Maize

  1. Those that attack the seeds before and after planting;
  2. Those that attack the plant ( leaves and stem).

Major Constraints to Maize Production

  1. Lack of technical know-how;
  2. Poor production environment (soil, water, light and air);
  3. Use of poor quality inputs (seeds, fertiliser, pesticides);
  4. Poor time management;
  5. Lack of Finance (Money).


I wish you a wonderful and successful maize growing. Thank You!